XRTpy v0.4.0 (2023-10-10)

Deprecations and Removals

  • Remove the light-leak files from the repository in favor of pulling them from one of two possible SolarSoft mirrors with the goal of reducing the total repository size. (#178, #180)


  • Updated Python example notebooks to ensure a user-friendly and accessible experience. (#164)

  • Revised and improved all text/documentation sections of XRTpy to ensure accuracy, clarity, and completeness. (#165)

Internal modifications and improvements

  • Modified ~xrtpy.response.xrt_deconvolve to use the Sunpy data manager to download the data files. (#172)

  • Updated the Read the Docs configuration file. (#173)

  • Removed psf files after a new improvement in downloading them as part of the XRTpy package. (#177)

  • Updated the xrt_contam_on_ccd.geny file with new CCD contamination values. (#191)

  • Moved xrt_deconvolve and xrt_remove_lightleak from the util directory to a new directory named image_correction, and removed the xrt_ prefix from their names. Renamed xrt_teem to temperature_from_filter_ratio. Updated all tests and notebooks to reflect the name and directory changes. (#196)