Source code for xrtpy.response.temperature_response

__all__ = [

from pathlib import Path

import numpy as np
from astropy import units as u
from astropy.constants import c, h
from scipy import interpolate

from import Channel, resolve_filter_name
from xrtpy.response.effective_area import EffectiveAreaFundamental

_c_Å_per_s = / u.second).value
_h_eV_s = * u.s).value

_abundance_model_file_path = {
    "coronal_abundance_path": Path(__file__).parent.absolute()
    / "data/chianti_emission_models"
    / "XRT_emiss_model.default_CHIANTI.geny",
    "hybrid_abundance_path": Path(__file__).parent.absolute()
    / "data/chianti_emission_models"
    / "XRT_emiss_model.default_CHIANTI_hybrid.geny",
    "photospheric_abundance_path": Path(__file__).parent.absolute()
    / "data/chianti_emission_models"
    / "XRT_emiss_model.default_CHIANTI_photospheric.geny",

_abundance_model_data = {

list_of_abundance_name = ["coronal", "hybrid", "photospheric"]

def _resolve_abundance_model_type(abundance_model):
    """Formats and checks users abundance model input name."""
    if not isinstance(abundance_model, str):
        raise TypeError("Abundance model name must be a string")
    abundance_name = abundance_model.lower()
    if abundance_name not in list_of_abundance_name:
        raise ValueError(
            f"\n{abundance_name} is not a current abundance model for XRTpy.\n"
            "Available abundance models:\n"
            "'coronal', 'hybrid', and 'photospheric'.\n"
    return abundance_name

[docs] class TemperatureResponseFundamental: """Produce the temperature response for each XRT x-ray channel, assuming a spectral emission model.""" def __init__(self, filter_name, observation_date, abundance_model="coronal"): self._name = resolve_filter_name(filter_name) self._channel = Channel(self.filter_name) # self.observation_date = self.observation_date self._abundance_model = _resolve_abundance_model_type(abundance_model) self._effective_area_fundamental = EffectiveAreaFundamental( self._name, observation_date ) @property def filter_name(self): """Name of searched filter.""" return self._name @property def abundances(self) -> str: """Defined the name of the requested abundance model as a string.""" return self._abundance_model @property def observation_date(self): """Date of observation.""" return self._effective_area_fundamental.observation_date @property def get_abundance_data(self): """Returning the requested abundance data that is used to calculate the temperature response.""" abundance_type_name = self.abundances data = _abundance_model_data[abundance_type_name] if abundance_type_name not in list_of_abundance_name: ValueError("Unable to process data. ") return { "abundance_model_info": data["ABUND_MODEL"][0], "dens_model": data["DENS_MODEL"][0], "ioneq_model": data["IONEQ_MODEL"][0], "name": data["NAME"][0], "spectra": data["SPEC"], "spectra_units": data["SPEC_UNITS"][0], "temperature": data["TEMP"][0], "temp_units": data["TEMP_UNITS"][0], "tlength": data["TLENGTH"][0], "wlength": data["WLENGTH"][0], "wavelength": data["WAVE"][0], "wavelength_units": data["WAVE_UNITS"][0], } @property def chianti_abundance_version(self): """Version of the chianti abundance model.""" return self.get_abundance_data["name"] @property def abundance_model_information(self): """A brief description of what abundance model was used in the creation of the emission spectra.""" return self.get_abundance_data["abundance_model_info"] @property def density_model(self): """A brief description of the plasma density, emission measure,or differential emission measure that was used in the creation of the emission spectra.""" return self.get_abundance_data["dens_model"] @property def ionization_model(self): """A brief description of that ionization equilibrium model was used in the creation of the emission spectra.""" return self.get_abundance_data["ioneq_model"] @property @u.quantity_input def CHIANTI_temperature(self): """Emission model temperatures in kelvin.""" return u.Quantity(self.get_abundance_data["temperature"] * u.K) @property def file_spectra(self): """Emission model file spectra.""" return self.get_abundance_data["spectra"][0] @property @u.quantity_input def wavelength(self): """Emission model file wavelength values in Å.""" return u.Quantity(self.get_abundance_data["wavelength"] * u.Angstrom) @property @u.quantity_input def channel_wavelength(self): """Array of wavelengths for every X-ray channel in Å.""" return u.Quantity((Channel(self.filter_name).wavelength[:3993]) * u.photon) @property def focal_len(self): """Focal length of the telescope in units of cm.""" return Channel(self.filter_name).geometry.geometry_focal_len @property def ev_per_electron(self): """Amount of energy it takes to dislodge 1 electron in the CCD.""" return Channel(self.filter_name).ccd.ccd_energy_per_electron @property @u.quantity_input def pixel_size(self) -> """CCD pixel size. Units converted from μm to cm.""" ccd_pixel_size = Channel(self.filter_name).ccd.ccd_pixel_size return @property @u.quantity_input def solid_angle_per_pixel(self) -> / u.pix: """This quantity represents the solid angle, which is given in units of steradians over pixel.""" return (self.pixel_size / self.focal_len) ** 2 * ( / u.pix)
[docs] @u.quantity_input def spectra(self) -> u.photon ***3 / ( * u.s * u.Angstrom): """Interpolation between the spectra wavelength onto the channel wavelength.""" spectra_interpolate = [] for i in range(61): interpolater = interpolate.interp1d( self.wavelength, self.file_spectra[i], kind="linear", ) spectra_interpolate.append(interpolater(self.channel_wavelength)) return spectra_interpolate * ( u.photon ***3 * (1 / * (1 / u.s) * (1 / u.Angstrom) )
[docs] @u.quantity_input def effective_area(self) ->**2: # return effective_area(self.filter_name, self.observation_date) return self._effective_area_fundamental.effective_area()
[docs] @u.quantity_input def integration(self) -> u.electron ***5 / (u.s * u.pix): wavelength = (self.channel_wavelength).value constants = (_c_Å_per_s * _h_eV_s / self.channel_wavelength).value factors = (self.solid_angle_per_pixel / self.ev_per_electron).value effective_area = (self.effective_area()).value dwvl = wavelength[1:] - wavelength[:-1] dwvl = np.append(dwvl, dwvl[-1]) # Simple summing like this is appropriate for binned data like in the current # spectrum file. More recent versions of Chianti include the line width, # which then makes the previous version that uses Simpson's method # to integrate more appropriate (10/05/2022) temp_resp_w_u_c = ( self.spectra().value * effective_area * constants * factors * dwvl ).sum(axis=1) return temp_resp_w_u_c * (u.electron ***5 * (1 / u.s) * (1 / u.pix))
@property @u.quantity_input def ccd_gain_right(self) -> u.electron / u.DN: """Provide the camera gain in electrons per data number.""" return Channel(self.filter_name).ccd.ccd_gain_right
[docs] @u.quantity_input def temperature_response(self) -> u.DN ***5 / (u.s * u.pix): r"""Apply gain value to the Temperature Response in units of DN cm\ :sup:`5` s\ :sup:`-1` pix\ :sup:`-1`.""" return self.integration() / self.ccd_gain_right