Source code for

"""Classes for describing channels on Hinode/XRT."""

__all__ = [

from pathlib import Path

import numpy as np
import sunpy.time
from astropy import units as u

filename = Path(__file__).parent.absolute() / "data" / "xrt_channels_v0016.genx"

_channel_name_to_index_mapping = {
    "Al-mesh": 0,
    "Al-poly": 1,
    "C-poly": 2,
    "Ti-poly": 3,
    "Be-thin": 4,
    "Be-med": 5,
    "Al-med": 6,
    "Al-thick": 7,
    "Be-thick": 8,
    "Al-poly/Al-mesh": 9,
    "Al-poly/Ti-poly": 10,
    "Al-poly/Al-thick": 11,
    "Al-poly/Be-thick": 12,
    "C-poly/Ti-poly": 13,

_genx_file =["SAVEGEN0"]

[docs] def resolve_filter_name(name): """Formats users filter name.""" if not isinstance(name, str): raise TypeError("name must be a string") name = name.replace("_", "-") parts: list = name.split("/") new_parts: list = [part.capitalize() for part in parts] name: str = "/".join(new_parts) return name
[docs] class Geometry: """The physical geometric parameters of the X-Ray Telescope (XRT) on board the Hinode spacecraft.""" _genx_file = _genx_file def __init__(self, index): self._channel_index = index self._geom_data = self._genx_file[self._channel_index]["GEOM"] @property def geometry_name( self, ) -> str: """Hinode/XRT flight model geometry.""" return self._geom_data["LONG_NAME"] @property @u.quantity_input def geometry_focal_len(self) -> """XRT flight model geometry focal length.""" return u.Quantity(self._geom_data["FOC_LEN"], @property @u.quantity_input def geometry_aperture_area(self) ->**2: """XRT flight model geometry aperture area.""" return u.Quantity(self._geom_data["APERTURE_AREA"],**2)
[docs] class EntranceFilter: """ Entrance filter properties. Thin prefilters cover the narrow annular entrance aperture of the XRT serving two main purposes: 1. Reduce the visible light entering the instrument. 2. Reduce the heat load in the instrument. """ _genx_file = _genx_file def __init__(self, index): self._channel_index = index self._en_filter_data = self._genx_file[self._channel_index]["EN_FILTER"] @property def entrancefilter_density(self) -> u.g ***-3: r"""XRT entrance filter material density in g/cm\ :sup:`3`\ .""" return u.Quantity(self._en_filter_data["DENS"], u.g ***-3) @property def entrancefilter_material(self) -> str: """XRT entrance filter material.""" return self._en_filter_data["MATERIAL"] @property def entrancefilter_mesh_transmission(self): """Transmission of mesh filter substrate.""" return self._en_filter_data["MESH_TRANS"] @property def entrancefilter_name(self) -> str: """Entrance filter name.""" return self._en_filter_data["LONG_NAME"] @property def number_of_wavelengths(self): """Data number length.""" return self._en_filter_data["LENGTH"] @property def entrancefilter_substrate(self) -> str: """XRT entrance filter substrate.""" return self._en_filter_data["SUBSTRATE"] @property @u.quantity_input def entrancefilter_wavelength(self) -> u.angstrom: """Array of wavelengths for entrance filter transmission in angstroms.""" return u.Quantity(self._en_filter_data["WAVE"], u.angstrom)[ : self.number_of_wavelengths ] @property @u.quantity_input def entrancefilter_thickness(self) -> u.angstrom: """XRT entrance filter material thickness in angstroms.""" return u.Quantity(self._en_filter_data["THICK"], u.angstrom) @property def entrancefilter_transmission(self): """Entrance filter transmission.""" return self._en_filter_data["TRANS"][: self.number_of_wavelengths]
[docs] class Mirror: """ Grazing incidence mirror properties. Grazing-incidence optics used for soft X-ray imaging generally require a minimum of two surfaces. Since XRT is a two-bounce telescope, there are two mirror reflectivities. """ _genx_file = _genx_file def __init__(self, index, mirror_number): self._channel_index = index self._mirror_data = self._genx_file[self._channel_index][ f"MIRROR{mirror_number}" ] @property @u.quantity_input def mirror_density(self) -> u.g ***-3: """Mirror mass density.""" return u.Quantity(self._mirror_data["DENS"], u.g ***-3) @property @u.quantity_input def mirror_graze_angle(self) -> u.deg: """Mirror graze angle in units of degrees.""" return u.Quantity(self._mirror_data["GRAZE_ANGLE"], u.deg) @property def mirror_name(self) -> str: """Hinode/XRT flight model mirror.""" return self._mirror_data["LONG_NAME"] @property def mirror_material(self) -> str: """XRT flight model mirror material.""" return self._mirror_data["MATERIAL"] @property @u.quantity_input def mirror_reflection(self) -> u.angstrom: """Reflection of a mirror.""" return u.Quantity(self._mirror_data["REFL"], u.angstrom)[ : self.number_of_wavelengths ] @property @u.quantity_input def mirror_wavelength(self) -> u.angstrom: """Array of wavelengths for mirror reflectance.""" return u.Quantity(self._mirror_data["WAVE"], u.angstrom)[ : self.number_of_wavelengths ] @property def number_of_wavelengths(self): """Data number length.""" return self._mirror_data["LENGTH"]
[docs] class Filter: """ X-ray filters using two filter wheels. The corresponding categories are used for both filter 1 and filter 2. """ _genx_file = _genx_file def __init__(self, index, filter_number): self._channel_index = index self._fp_filter_data = self._genx_file[self._channel_index][ f"FP_FILTER{filter_number}" ] @property @u.quantity_input def filter_density(self) -> u.g ***-3: """XRT filter density.""" return u.Quantity(self._fp_filter_data["DENS"], u.g ***-3) @property def filter_material(self) -> str: """XRT filter material.""" return self._fp_filter_data["MATERIAL"] @property def filter_mesh_transmission(self): """Mesh transmission for the focal plane filter.""" return self._fp_filter_data["MESH_TRANS"] @property def filter_name(self) -> str: """XRT filter name.""" return self._fp_filter_data["LONG_NAME"] @property def number_of_wavelengths(self): """Data number length.""" return self._fp_filter_data["LENGTH"] @property def filter_substrate(self) -> str: """XRT filter substrate.""" return self._fp_filter_data["SUBSTRATE"] @property @u.quantity_input def filter_thickness(self) -> u.angstrom: """Filter thickness.""" return u.Quantity(self._fp_filter_data["THICK"], u.angstrom) @property def filter_transmission(self): """Filter transmission.""" return self._fp_filter_data["TRANS"][: self.number_of_wavelengths] @property @u.quantity_input def filter_wavelength(self) -> u.angstrom: """XRT filter wavelength in angstroms.""" return u.Quantity(self._fp_filter_data["WAVE"], u.angstrom)[ : self.number_of_wavelengths ]
[docs] class CCD: """Charge-coupled device (CCD) on board X-Ray Telescope (XRT) on the Hinode spacecraft.""" _genx_file = _genx_file def __init__(self, index): self._channel_index = index self._ccd_data = self._genx_file[self._channel_index]["CCD"] @property @u.quantity_input def ccd_energy_per_electron(self) -> u.eV / u.electron: """The energy necessary to dislodge one electron.""" return u.Quantity(self._ccd_data["EV_PER_EL"], u.eV / u.electron) @property @u.quantity_input def ccd_full_well(self) -> u.electron: """Number of electrons for a CCD full well.""" return u.Quantity(self._ccd_data["FULL_WELL"], u.electron) @property @u.quantity_input def ccd_gain_left(self) -> u.electron / u.DN: """Gain when reading the left port of the CCD.""" return u.Quantity(self._ccd_data["GAIN_L"], u.electron / u.DN) @property @u.quantity_input def ccd_gain_right(self) -> u.electron / u.DN: """Gain when reading the right port of the CCD.""" return u.Quantity(57.5, u.electron / u.DN) @property def ccd_name(self) -> str: """Hinode/XRT flight model CCD.""" return self._ccd_data["LONG_NAME"] @property def number_of_wavelengths(self): """Data number length.""" return self._ccd_data["LENGTH"] @property @u.quantity_input def ccd_pixel_size(self) -> u.micron: """CCD pixel size in micrometers.""" return u.Quantity(self._ccd_data["PIXEL_SIZE"], u.micron) @property def ccd_quantum_efficiency(self): """Quantum efficiency of the CCD.""" return self._ccd_data["QE"][: self.number_of_wavelengths] @property @u.quantity_input def ccd_wavelength(self) -> u.angstrom: """Array of wavelengths for the CCD quantum efficiency in angstroms.""" return u.Quantity(self._ccd_data["WAVE"], u.angstrom)[ : self.number_of_wavelengths ]
[docs] class Channel: """ XRTpy Available channels: ``"Al-mesh"``, ``"Al-poly"``, ``"C-poly"``, ``"Ti-poly"``, ``"Be-thin"``, ``"Be-med"``, ``"Al-med"``, ``"Al-thick"``, ``"Be-thick"`` , ``"Al-poly/Al-mesh"``, ``"Al-poly/Ti-poly"``, ``"Al-poly/Al-thick"``, ``"Al-poly/Be-thick"`` , ``"C-poly/Ti-poly"`` """ _genx_file = _genx_file def __init__(self, name): name = resolve_filter_name(name) if name in _channel_name_to_index_mapping: self._channel_index = _channel_name_to_index_mapping[name] self._channel_data = _genx_file[self._channel_index] self._geometry = Geometry(self._channel_index) self._entrancefilter = EntranceFilter(self._channel_index) self._mirror_1 = Mirror(self._channel_index, 1) self._mirror_2 = Mirror(self._channel_index, 2) self._filter_1 = Filter(self._channel_index, 1) self._filter_2 = Filter(self._channel_index, 2) self._ccd = CCD(self._channel_index) elif name.lower() == "open": # Complete by adding remaining indices self._sample_channel_data = _genx_file[1] self._geometry = Geometry(1) self._channel_data = { "WAVE": self._sample_channel_data["WAVE"], "TRANS": np.ones_like(self._sample_channel_data["TRANS"]), "LENGTH": self._sample_channel_data["LENGTH"], } else: raise ValueError( f"{name} is not a valid channel. The available channels are: {list(_channel_name_to_index_mapping.keys())}" ) @property def geometry(self) -> Geometry: return self._geometry @property def entrancefilter(self) -> EntranceFilter: return self._entrancefilter @property def mirror_1(self) -> Mirror: return self._mirror_1 @property def mirror_2(self) -> Mirror: return self._mirror_2 @property def filter_1(self) -> Filter: return self._filter_1 @property def filter_2(self) -> Filter: return self._filter_2 @property def ccd(self) -> CCD: return self._ccd def __str__(self): """Readable printout.""" return f"XRT Channel for {}" def __repr__(self): """Code representation.""" return f"Channel({!r})" @property def name(self) -> str: """Name of XRT X-Ray channel.""" return self._channel_data["NAME"] @property @u.quantity_input def wavelength(self) -> u.angstrom: """Array of wavelengths for every X-ray channel in angstroms.""" return u.Quantity(self._channel_data["WAVE"], u.angstrom)[ : self.number_of_wavelengths ] @property def transmission(self): """Get channel transmission.""" return self._channel_data["TRANS"][: self.number_of_wavelengths] @property def number_of_wavelengths(self): """Data number length.""" return self._channel_data["LENGTH"] @property def observatory(self) -> str: """The spacecraft name.""" return self._channel_data["OBSERVATORY"] @property def instrument(self) -> str: """X-Ray Telescope -XRT.""" return self._channel_data["INSTRUMENT"]